Monday 31 October 2011

Three Year Old Becomes Internet Sensation

The internet has recently become flooded with people all over the world trying to find out about the 3 year old super sensation from suffolk, England. The toddler, a small boy going by the name of Micro Force, was filmed on thursday stopping two male theifs from looting a jewrelly store in his home town Bury St Edmunds.

The boy, who is not revealing his identity is now becomewing mo9e and more well knwon, and has started stopping crimes all over the world. Although there is still a lot of information unknown about this young boy,  such as his identity, what powers he has and how it is he got them, one thing is for sure, he is having a big impact.

the real thing?
There are some doubts in some minds of weather he is a phony, a fake, afteralll this is the thing of movies and comic books. But after the video of him stopping the theifs, and photos of him stopping iother crimes have emerged online, it is hard to doubt the autthenticity of this youngster.

When we ciontacet Mircro Force asking some of the questions that are readers have emailed us with, all he said was 'I do not feel ready to awnser any of the media questions yet'.

Although as we wrot, he is not ready to be intervwied. The price that experts are putting on the first interveiw with him are incresdibly high.  One news station reportadly offering 6 milion pounds. An awful lot of money for such a young boy.

Reportadly the only person that does not his identity his is mother, but her iddnetiy also is unknwon to the public.